Entries in JAR (5)

Jar @ Catch

Posted on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 20:45 by Registered CommenterWildblanket in | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

JAR @ Buffalo Bar

Posted on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 20:30 by Registered CommenterWildblanket in | Comments1 Comment | References1 Reference

Jar @ the Dublin Castle

Posted on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 22:40 by Registered CommenterWildblanket in | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

Jar @ The Lexington

Posted on Friday, December 12, 2008 at 22:00 by Registered CommenterWildblanket in , | CommentsPost a Comment | References2 References

The Lexington used to be called Clockwork, it was briefly called the Belvedere in the summer. Upstairs is essentially unchanged from its days as the Clockwork, although the stage is more normal. JAR have this last minute gig due to a cancellation. The lights aren't great, but the band are clearly more relaxed than on Monday and sound very good. They are supporting a band, Kasms, who I am very pleased to encounter. They have a feel of early Souxsie and the Banshees with a lively girl singer with a red bob. She is definitely in the top league of people who throw themselves around jumping in the air, rolling on the floor and rushing into the audience. At one point she even sits on the drum kit with her legs in the air! Regular readers will know that I am generally attracted to bands who do exciting things, and I enjoyed their music as well.

Bleech and JAR @ The Dublin Castle

Posted on Monday, December 8, 2008 at 22:00 by Registered CommenterWildblanket in , | CommentsPost a Comment | References2 References

The band before Bleech are bathed in light, but during the changeover the lights go out. The soundman fiddles rather unconvincingly with the sockets into which they are all plugged. I am sure a fuse has gone as the air conditioning has also gone off. Fortunately I have seen and photographed Bleech enough that it does not spoil my evening. I even provide some appropriate strobing with my flash during parts of their set. Some of the audience thank me for this later.
In the darkness I have a look at the next band who are called JAR, this is their first gig. Musically I wouldn't have guessed, although it shows a bit physically. They later said it wasn't a bad thing that the lights had gone as this meant the crowd couldn't see how scared they were ! The crowd seemed to enjoy their set and I was impressed. Definitely a band to watch. I've had a good year with seeing bands' first gigs - Jar, Rubella, the i hearts, and I think Vulgarians. All bands I hope to see more of next year.