Entries in Madamoiselle (1)

Greendrummers @ St Giles Church

The return of Green Drummers!

We never guessed that this church performance,organised by Rockfort, for the charity of Resonnance FM, was going to be that grandiose. What a church! What a soundsystem What lights! It seemed unusual that such a church (supposingly the Church of England) would tolerate artists who are not religious themselves, to enter and perform freely .

Green Drummers had , before hand, made sure the songs lyrics sheets did no contain swear words, (by putting red dots on top of them, unfortunately a couple slipped out, as we were concentrating for them not to slip out) and unfortunately made a new song about Drummers which insisted that God, God, God forgot the drummer.

Anyhow,we were not chucked out of the church, and we are still surprised to not have had complaints about the contents of the songs (we proudly remind our audience that we did actually read and pronounce words, during this gig, rather than muttering undescribable chatter)

The audience was hot, oh so very hot, and responded in a very friendly way to the performance, listening to the songs (it is good to be in a church, people tend to be more quiet)The usual and loved Voltane, Swan, Keith,Bob and the PLakka were about, as well as Frank, who came all the way from... Chester. And our special in house photographer whom it was a pleasure to be photographed by, again.

The set list was Frere Jacques,Jargon de la France,Victoria Crescent,La Vie en Ose, Sweet Bastard(which was not announced due to the rude tittle) then followed by 2 new songs, 'I wanite but I dont wanite' and 'serenade to the Drummers' the latter was a pure improvisation but the one before had been rehearsed and found 5 minutes before setting off for the gig.

The organisors, Ludovic and David from the Radio hshow Rockfort were very efficient, they made sure there was enough light on the keyboard so the lyrics could be read easily, and their whole team was very friendly and lovely.
We have not much to say about the other bands except the first band was delightful, a young French lady on the piano with a guitarist (she is called MAdemoiselle),what a voice...Pure and beautiful likea child. (she is to the right of this photograph ) and then a not least delightful solo artist called Vanessa (in the middle, on this photo) who also played with a bongo player.
The next bands were good but we did not stay till the end for Barbara and Nicolas the Politician, but very much enjoyed the evening.
Oh it was such an honnour to be able to sing our sinful songs in a church...Thought the Tramp and the Tranny did not fit the occasion, with all the 'wanking'going on in it, nor did baba the Bearz with his ants liking his private parts and fucking bees with their darts. A bit too rude for a church. Plus, we had, once again, forgotten the lyrics...And could not find them!

Thank you, Rockfort, for this unforgettable evening.