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We Rock Like Girls Don't @ The Lexington


I have decided to have another go at sharing a few words of wisdom, or maybe a little vitriol, with you lucky readers. I have armed myself with a notebook so that I can jot down some immediate thoughts as I sit waiting for what Tfl continue to announce as a good service (when they mean normal service) on the Central Line.


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Reader Comments (1)

Hi Neil. I love your pix. Not sure how much they cost but I would LOVE some for a small, but growing, cut n paste zine that I do quarterly.The next one is December.

Monthly Planet (tips) http://issuu.com/music.tourist.board/docs/mp20/1

Anyway, great shots. I was there. Ace night. Ace images from it.


Nov 24, 2011 at 10:43 | Unregistered CommenterCaffy

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